Let your fans tell your story

Continuing our series on Victory Points, let’s explore how a player’s victory points tell a story. Every time a player earns victory points the player is rewarded with a card describing that experience and the points it awards. When a player defeats a Dojo...

Why Victory Points

If you zoom out enough, you’ll discover the victory condition for most competitive games tend to take only one of a few forms: First player to achieve a goal (Connect 4); the last player standing (Tsuro); or Victory Points accumulation (Ticket to Ride); or some...

The 7 Movement Card System

The goal of Aethermon is to provide its player’s with a complete experience in a single sitting: Discovery -> Growth -> Climax.  Last week we noted this process takes about 25 turns + a final setpiece to cap off the event. At about 5 minutes per turn (each...

The 6 Movement Card System

To move your character in Aethermon you must discard a Movement Card. These cards are numbered 1 to 6, and you move the distance indicated on each card. Once a player has used all 6 cards all expired cards are refreshed and the cycle continues. This allows an average...

Take that part 2

It seems several weeks ago we promised a post on specific “take that” mechanics, this post somehow got buried, but there it is now! Aethermon will include a supplemental set of special characters that will allow players to hinder their rivals. These characters...

The 5 to 3 Shift

Following up on our last post we’ll provide a little context for the shift from a 5XG locus to a 3XG locus. Players typically level up about 8 times in a playthrough of Aethermon; in a 5XG oriented game players gain between 0 and 4 HP per level (5 minus a 1-5 value...