If you zoom out enough, you’ll discover the victory condition for most competitive games tend to take only one of a few forms: First player to achieve a goal (Connect 4); the last player standing (Tsuro); or Victory Points accumulation (Ticket to Ride); or some combination (King of Tokyo).

Aethermon has a Victory Point win condition – Player Elimination is inappropriate for a game with more than a 15 minute playtime; and we never wanted to limit players’ objective by limiting focus to a single prescribed goal.

Aethermon Gives players a plethora of methods to obtain VPs. Success in the Final Battle; Completing major quests; Focusing on minor quests; and Hunting other players all grant Victory Points enough to obtain victory.

Smaller amounts of Victory Points can be obtained via interactions with Special Characters or Aethermon specific abilities, but unlikely enough to secure victory alone.

This approach has led to some exciting emergent gameplay properties, such as in-game Player Vs Player rivalries. More next week!

Keep on Winning AetherRen