Continuing our series on Victory Points, let’s explore how a player’s victory points tell a story.

Every time a player earns victory points the player is rewarded with a card describing that experience and the points it awards.

When a player defeats a Dojo Leader, they get a card; if a player completes a quest to bring a retrieve a rare artefact for the museum, they get a card; when a player is defeats another player they take one of their “Starting Fan” cards (branded with the aethmon they defeated) from their rival.

The sum of these cards tell you an AethRen’s story.

In our game, tallying your score at the end of the game gives players an opportunity to relive the highs and lows of their time in the world of Aethermon. This addresses a problem where scoring at the end of the game is quite often a chore.

It is our hope that through this system, even players who didn’t accumulate the most Fans still enjoy their final moments of each game of Aethermon.

Finish strong AetherRen