It seems several weeks ago we promised a post on specific “take that” mechanics, this post somehow got buried, but there it is now!

Aethermon will include a supplemental set of special characters that will allow players to hinder their rivals.

These characters increase the interactions between players, without requiring direct conflict for groups who prefer to avoid those mechanics.

But they also serve an important self balancing mechanic.

The simplest example of this balancing is our Hacker character. This character gives the player 3 fans (victory points), while removing 3 fans from the player in first. This immediately closes the gap between all players and the player in first place, and helps advance the player who encountered the hacker.

Another example of this is our Bartender character who let’s the player place a bounty on a target rival. This rival takes an additional 1 damage from all sources. This serves as a balancing mechanism as players would be most motivated to place this bounty on the head of the players in the lead.

Sorry for the delay, stay feisty AetherRen