Aethermon is an upcoming thematic tabletop board game with RPG elements… but before that it was a feeling.

I know you know the one:

  • The excitement of setting out on an adventure; every step into the unknown filled with the promise of possibility
  • That pride and joy you get from protecting and raising a creature that will become your constant companion
  • Together exploring a world similar to our own… but somehow more.That feeling. Hold on to it for a moment, savour it. That feeling is rare and worth fighting for.

That feeling is Aethermon; and if you are reading this, I want to share it with you.

This game and its world are just in their infancy; everyday our creative director Sarah ( or our character artist Fabio ( share with me something that pulls me deeper into this world.

Words cannot do these two justice. Instead I’ll just refer you to the artwork above and the lore below:     

  • “Inspired by the legend of Sun Wukong; The Languravi are born into this world with their hands tightly clasped around a tiny star. The Languravi will keep this star with them for its entire life and will protect it by finding a lantern to hold the star. It is said if a Languravi ever loses their star they will travel to the ends of the earth to find it.
  • As the Languravi grows it will learn to fight to better protect its star. Favouring simple blunt weapons such as sticks, the Languravi will hold its lantern with its tail as it practices.
  • Once the Languravi perfects their skills with the bow staff, they proudly display their lantern on the end of their staff as proof of their mastery.”

We’ll have more like this every week on our Aethermon Spotlight.

If you believe this world would be better with Aethermon in it, you can help make that reality.

Follow us on our socials (below) and sign up to our mailing list. You will not only be the first to know how this game is developing, but you can be part of this process from the ground up. Your feedback, criticism and support is what will make this game a reality.

Stay strong AetherRen. The road is long but you are not alone.

Christopher Ng
Lead Dreamer