The 8 Elements

Every Aethermon is blessed with a powerful affinity with one of 8 elements. These elements do not have any sort of natural type advantage – but instead each element is differentiated by access to unique gameplay mechanics and strategies.

Here is a surface overview of the 8 elements.


Fire Aethermon have the most powerful basic attacks but these attacks require the player to discard an additional move to use. As a result Fire Aethermon can often defeat powerful enemies, even while at a level disadvantage… but multiple battles tend to leave them exhausted of offensive resources. 


Water Aethermon access a wide range of healing abilities. This gives players bonded with a Water Aethermon the ability to push through the campaign with less frequent visits to recovery centers (working name, if you have a suggestion throw it at us!).


The basic attacks of Nature Aethermon “Entangle” their opponents. These “Entangle” debuffs amplify the power of future attacks. As a result Nature Aethermon can deliver devastating blows to opponents in long battles. Nature Aethermon also recover a little HP after each battle.


Thunder Athermon utilise “quick” moves – moves that allow the player to attack their opponents before their opponent can strike them. Oftentimes Thunder Aethermon can end a fight before being hit even once; in longer fights they use abilities enabling them to make multiple attacks on a single turn. 


Earth Aethermon have more defensive abilities than any other element. Their natural armor combined with their defense enhancing moves often allows them to completely ignore their opponents attacks. In longer battles Earth Aethermon can find victory by exhausting their opponents offensive capabilities.


Sky Aethermon have “flying” abilities that forgo an immediate effect, instead increasing their capabilities on a future turn. By stacking these “flying” abilities these Aethermon can often take out a powerful opponent in a single turn, while also recovering their HP for their next battle.


Sunstruck Aethermon’s attacks often have the “pure” feature that ignores their opponent’s defense giving them some very favourable matchups. Furthermore Sunstruck Aethermon can gain experience without fighting.


Moonlit Aethermon’s abilities require the player to discard a “Movement Card”* to activate – the power of their ability varies with the “Movement Card” they discard. This allows players to finetune the exact damage they need to deal or recover. Moonlit Aethermon can be very powerful in a pinch, but will have to pay for it eventually

*More on the card based movement system soon.

Let us know which element most intrigues you!


Stay vigilant AetherRen