“Take-that mechanics”

Some players love them, other’s won’t touch them.

Take-that mechanics refer to rules or options that allow one player to negatively affect the progress of another player – think “Draw 2” in Uno.

These rules can create memorable moments on a tabletop. Additionally, if the Take-that mechanic can be targeted, it creates a natural self-balancing mechanism where the players in the lead get slowed down more than the rest of the field.

However some groups prefer games that promote a friendly environment without as much direct competition.

Aethermon as a modular game has the ability to provide for both these groups.

Every play session will include the regular set of Special Character encounters; however for groups enjoying Take-that mechanics, we are including an additional set Special Characters (“The Hand”). These characters provide players with options to directly negatively affect the progress of other players.

Tune in next week and we’ll discuss some of their individual mechanics.