With any major undertaking it is normal to set deadlines for oneself…and then to blast right through them. Aethermon is no exception. We started this project expecting it to involve concept, design, playtesting, evolution, and eventually launch.
Oh, what simpler times.
To start, our original time frame was almost certainly too ambitious. Then, during the process of taking Aethermon from a vague idea to where it is today, the project as a whole has taken many twists and turns. Here are some examples:
Originally we had planned to have just eight elemental types, before we added the special type Rainbow – which has itself had a few reworks.Occasionally an original intention has remained but the execution has required a complete rework – like when we re-tooled the entire Nature moveset to more closely align with the thematics.Lately we’ve increased our cast of human characters by almost a quarter (more about them in upcoming posts).
These are just a smattering of the thousands of decisions, adjustments and huge redesigns that go into a project like Aethermon.
All these are internal changes – there are of course external factors, too. Travel restrictions, lockdowns, to say nothing of health concerns and anxiety over loved ones. The recent cancellation of PAX AUS is a fresh disappointment, although a decision we wholly support.
Oh yes. And then there are shipping costs.
More on that next week.
Be open to change, AetherRen!