In a previous post I explained that a turn in Aethermon consists of two interconnected phases:

  • Movement around an overworld map 
  • And the events that occur at the locations on that overworld map

On the vast majority of turns, thos events will be either an Aethermon Battle or an Exploration of a Location.

We have made special care to ensure exploring locations are just as engaging as Aethermon battles, emphasising that the World of Aethermon is not just a battlefield – but a place players can explore. So today, we’ll talk about how players explore locations in Aethermon.


Each significant location on the Aethermon overworld map comes with a unique deck of cards that is placed on its space on the overworld map. Each card within this deck represents an event that might occur at this location.

When a player visits a location they will either draw the top card from this deck to explore the location – or if they have a card that instructs them to do otherwise they might search for a particular card at that location. 

The events on these cards can offer the player an immediate boon, or perhaps will ask the player to make some sort of decision that will force them to search for an additional card in the deck to discover the consequences of that decision. Otherwise these events will trigger the beginning of a quest that will task the player to visit another location and draw a specific card from that location’s deck of cards.

Exploring these locations and completing their quests give players who don’t want to focus on Aethermon battles a pathway to advance through the world of Aethermon – or for those trying to battle their way to the top they can provide a critical moment of respite as the players search for their next heal.

That is all for now. 

Keep on exploring AetherRen