This week we key in on the Moonlit Aethermon Velvenny. 


More than any other starter Aethermon, Velvenny is a healer. Every unique move available to Velvenny either restores HP, or otherwise helps Velvenny get Velvenny back into fighting form.

Aethermon Ability

“Learn a random 2/3/4 cost  neutral move”

While Velvenny mightn’t have the most powerful offensive moveset, at each evolutionary tier Velvenny gets a random (progressively more powerful) move which provides both longevity in a fight and produces additional offensive variety.

Signature Battle Moves “Moon Dust, Moon Light, Moon Shine, Moon Beam”

“Deal 3/6/9/12 damage, Restore 1/2/3/4 HP”

Both dealing damage and restoring HP in a single move often allows Velvenny to end battles on or close to maximum HP, giving Velvenny an edge in future fights.

2-Cost “Blessing of Artemis”

“Buff: Restore full HP after battle”

In the cases where Velvenny’s signature moves can’t ensure full HP before the next fight, this move does the job. This move however costs an entire turn in battle without helping Velvenny win the battle – this move is best used when at low HP in situations where Velvenny nevertheless has a strong advantage.

3-cost “Luna Light”

“Deal 8 Damage or restore 8 HP”

A blank damage dealing 3 cost move would deal 8 damage; a blanke restore HP move would restore 8 HP – this move can be either.

3-cost “Moon Guard”

“(R)eact: Opponent’s attack is not (q)uick or (p)ure, you may remove a of buffs or debuffs from play”

This move can be a lifesaver in a pinch. An opponent may be relying on an attack’s (p)ure or (q)uick typing to clinche a battle, removing that advantage that can mess up their plans. Similarly, many Aethermon rely on applying buffs or debuffs, the ability to remove one as a (r)eact is devastating. 

4-Cost “Eclipse”

“Restore all HP lost this turn, then deal that much damage”

This move can completely negate an opponent’s attack and turn it around on them, turning the tide of most fights. However its not much use if you use it first…

Friendship Ability “Well of the stars”

“Only receive 1 defeat token”

When players are defeated, rather than missing turns or losing resources they continue on their adventure, but are given 2 defeat tokens which must be removed instead of gaining XG. While carrying a defeat token a player cannot complete quests, fight other players, fight bosses or level up. This ability halves that burden.


More than halfway there only 3 player Aethermon to go.
Reach for the stars AetherRen