Continuing our deep dives into the playable aethermon, we focus on is the Fire Aethermon Sparkitty. 


Sparkitty’s moveset heavily utilises a card discarding mechanic. Sparkitty uses fire moves that provide much more value than their XG cost would imply, but activating these cards requires discarding additional battle cards – limiting Sparkitty’s effectiveness in longer battles.

As a result, Sparkitty may be able to defeat enemies far stronger than itself; but it will quickly expire its pool of battle moves – meaning Sparkitty will require frequent trips to Healing locations to replenish its Battle Cards.

Aethermon Ability

“Gain +2/3/4 Basic Attack”

More than any other Aethermon, Sparkitty needs to be aware of running out of Battle Cards in combat. This ability allows Sparkitty to preserve its Battle Cards, and in the case it expires all its Battle Cards still gives the Aethermon a viable offensive fallback.

Signature Battle Moves “Cinder, Burn, Torch, Incinerate”

“Deal 5/10/15/20 damage, Discard 1/1/2/2 Battle Cards”

These attacks deal more than other Aethermon’s equivalent moves. Sparkitty relies on this edge to finish easier battles in a single quickly and defeat high level opponents.

2-Cost “Smoke Screen”

“(R)eact: Discard a Battle Card, Increase Df by 5”

This defensive move is a great reference for the value of increase that accompanies discarding a move card. A similar 3-cost neutral move that doesn’t ask the player to discard a card only increases defense by 4.

3-cost “Burnout”

“Deal 10 Damage, Discard all Battle Cards”

Identical to Spakitty’s 3-deal 10 damage, except this asks the player to discard ALL battle cards instead of just one; this is normally a worse deal. Unless you’ve no battle cards to discard, then it’s a very efficient 10 damage

3-cost “Afterburner”

“Deal 2 damage for each card in your battle card discard pile”

Sparkitty’s strongest moves use 3 cards per turn (1 played and 2 discarded), combine this with cards that can be used as (r)eacts, Sparkitty can fill its discard pile very quick, making this a very strong offensive attack.

4-Cost “Phoenix FIre”

“Discard 1 Battle Card; Buff: Instead of taking lethal damage, return to 10 HP”

Sparkitty’s only recovery move not only recovers HP, but in PvP battles, if timed right can negate an opponent’s strongest attack.

Friendship Ability “Embers”

“Take an Ember Battle card” “When you discard this card deal 2 (p)ure”

This ability not only gives Sparkitty one more move to discard, but scores it an extra 2 damage in the process.


2 down, 6 player Aethermon to go. Looking forward to the next

Burn bright AetherRen